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Efimov, Andrey, Pyatigorsk State University, Russia
Elenov, Pero
Elenov, Pero, University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (Bulgaria)
Enchev, Neven, University of agribusiness and rural development – Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Enchev von Goldenburg, Neven
Enchev von Goldenburg, Neven, Multiprofile hospital for active treatment Medline – Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Ercan, Ertan, <strong><em>Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University, Faculty of Fisheries, Mugla, Turkey</em></strong>
Ergen, Adela Osmani, <h3>Siirt University, TURKEY</h3>
Ergen, Adela Osmani, Siirt University, Turkey
Esmerova, Emanuela, European University – Republic of Northern Macedonia

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Supported by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria