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Nadiradze, Tea, National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, Georgia
Naidenov, Yancho, <h3>Forest Protection Station – Sofia, Bulgaria</h3>
Nalevska, Gorica, Internacional Slavic University „Gavrilo Romanovic Derzavin“, Bitola – Sveti Nikole, Republic of North Macedonia
Nanev, Nanyo, University of agribusiness and rural development
Natchkova, Maia, University of National and World Economy, BULGARIA
Nedeva, Keranka, University of agribusiness and rural development
Nedeva, Keranka, University of agribusiness and rural development - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Nenkova, Kirilka, University of agribusiness and rural development, Bulgaria
Neykova, Maria, UARD - Plovdiv
Nikishkin, Igor, Belovsky fish industry
Nikolova, Aneta
Nikolova, Elena Nikolova, University of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Nikolova, Elena, University of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Nikolovski, Aleksandar, FON, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

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Supported by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria