University of agribusiness and rural development, UARD Jubilee International Scientific Conference

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Comparative Analysis of Tourism Law and Policy in Macedonia and Bulgaria
Dejan Metodieski, Jasmina Andreeva, Biljana Conevska

Last modified: 2018-02-12


Tourism represents a modern history of success, clearly expressed through constant economic growth, especially over the last sixty years. For the different countries, tourism has significant social and economic benefits, and the tourism legislation and policy created by the different countries are one of the main factors for the existence and development of tourism-related activities. The subject of this study is tourism law and politics presented through the prism of tourism laws in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Criteria used in selecting these two countries are: membership of the European Union and the maritime border of Bulgaria on the one hand, and the continental territory and the application for membership of the European Union of Macedonia on the other. In the present study, basic data are provided for both countries, such as: population, number of international tourists, the Tourism Act, and the availability of a National Tourism Organization. The government authorities responsible for tourism, national tourism development strategies and tourism legislation were used to make a comparative analysis of both countries. For the purposes of the survey, study methodology and secondary data sources were used through consideration of the applicable laws on tourism in both countries. A review of tourism laws has been made, based on a systematic assessment of their content. The final observations relate to the structure, differences and similarities of tourism laws and how the legislation sets out the prospects and trends for tourism development in Bulgaria and Macedonia.


tourism legislation, tourism policy, Macedonia, Bulgaria.


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