University of agribusiness and rural development, UARD Jubilee International Scientific Conference

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The Role of The Forests in Bulgaria for the Reduction of the Climate Changes, Measures for Adaptation and Mitigation of the Negative Impact of the Climate Change on Them
Valentina Marinova, Lubcho Trichkov

Last modified: 2018-02-12


The questions on the role of the forests for the reduction of the climate changes and adaptation to the climate changes are especially up-to-date in the recent decade, on international and European, as well as on national level. For the conditions in Bulgaria during the last twenty five years the average annual temperatures slowly increase, while are observed relevant droughts and increasing of the frequency of the extreme meteorological and climate events, including: extreme temperatures during the winter and summer seasons with big amplitude towards the average seasonal temperatures; significant increasing of the average number of days with 24hours precipitation sums over 100 mm; increasing of the registered cases for heavy rainfalls; increasing frequency of thunderstorms and hailstorms during the winter months – January and February; increased frequency of average number of days with thunderstorms and hailstorms in April and September; observed more and longer periods of drought, followed by serious storms and heavy floods with devastations and victims, etc.

During the last years, the role of the forests for the climate change reduction is in the focus of the policies, connected with the climate changes and adaptation towards them. On national level, in 2012 is developed and adopted the Third national climate change action plan, which main strategic goal is the establishment of actions framework in the field of climate changes for the period 2013-2020.

With this plan our country introduced the sector “Land use, land use change and forestry” (LULUCF), with which was given appropriate role of the forests in the country as main “sinker” and “reservoir” of carbon dioxide (CO2).

Parallel to this document, in the national strategic forest documents, respectively the National strategy for development of the forest sector in the Republic of Bulgaria (2013-2020) and the Strategic plan for the development of the forest sector (2014-2023), were set priorities, measures and actions, connected with the maintenance of vital, productive and multifunctional forest ecosystems, contributing to the mitigation of the consequences of the climate changes and using the potential of the forest sector for the development of green economy. Furthermore, in the Programme of measures for adaptation of the forests in the Republic of Bulgaria and mitigation of the negative influence of the climate changes on them, were developed original climate scenarios on the basis of the advanced climate models for future changes in the climate for 2020, 2050 and 2080. Vulnerability zones are set for the forest ecosystems for the change of the “De Martonne aridity index”, depending on the climate scenarios for air temperature and precipitation in 2020, 2050 and 2080 in Bulgaria.

At the present moment, the Ministry of environment and waters develops National adaptation strategy, financed by a project, on the basis of signed agreement with World Bank for support and consultancy services for the drafting of the strategy. Important and interesting for our topic is the Interim report for “Evaluation of sector Forests”, that is analyzes in the present development.

On the basis of the review and analyses of the main strategic and programme documents in the field of the climate changes and the role of the forests for the reduction of their negative influence, as well as for the very adaptation of the forests to the changes in the climate are made the relevant conclusions and proposals.


adaptation of the forests, vulnerability zones, De Martonne aridity index, climate, climate changes, climate scenarios, programme of measures


1.  Доклад за състоянието на климата 2009, cmb/bams-sotc/climate-assessment-2009-lo-rez.pdf

2.  Четвърти доклад за оценка, 2007;

3.  Трети национален план за действие по изменение на климата Policy_Directorate/Treti_nacionalen_plan_za_deistvie_po_izmenenie_na_klimata.pdf

4.  Динамика на горските ресурси в България при различни режими на стопанисване, Костов, Г., Рафаилова Е., 2009. Авангард Прима, София;

5.  Национална стратегия за развитие на горския сектор в Република България (2013-2020 г.), 2013 г.,;

6.  Стратегически план за развитие на горския сектор(2014-2023 г.), 2014 г.,;

7.  Програма от мерки за адаптиране на горите в България и смекчаване на негативното влияние на климатичните промени върху тях, 2011г., Programa_ot_merki.pdf;

8.  Междинен доклад „Оценка на сектор „Гори“ във връзка с изготвяне на Национална стратегия за адаптация към изменението на климата и План за действие, 2017 г., http://www.moew.

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