University of agribusiness and rural development, UARD Jubilee International Scientific Conference

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Adaptation of the Species Atropa belladonna L. Grown in vitro to the Environment
Stanislava Stateva, Gergana Desheva

Last modified: 2018-02-12


The purpose of this study is to adapt the species Atropa belladonna L. to the environment. The species is cultured in vitro on Quorin & Lepoivre (1977), with 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 mg / l IBA and IAA added. The control variant is with explants developed in Quorin & Lepoivre (1977) without added plant hormones. Adaptation of the resulting regenerators with a very well formed root system is carried out in 6x6 cm plastic pots. A suitable substrate (soil: peat: sand 1: 1: 1) has been identified for successful rooting of the species Atropa belladonna L. in the adaptation process, which ensures their conservation and return to natural habitats. A high correlation dependence between the height and number of leaves of A. belladonna L. plants has been established as a result of which 62.7% of the leaf count variation is dependent on the height factor.


Atropa belladonna L., biotechnology; in vitro, medicinal plants, plant propagation, conservation


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