University of agribusiness and rural development, UARD Jubilee International Scientific Conference

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Evaluation of Agriculture Sector and Agricultural Policy in Turkey
Gokhan Unakitan

Last modified: 2018-02-12


The agricultural sector has undertaken very important tasks in the economic and social development of countries, and will continue to undertake these tasks in the future. There have been significant changes in the agricultural sector in the last 50 years. With the rapid growth of industrialization in developing countries and the services sector in developed countries, the share of the agricultural sector in global economy has declined considerably. Increasing urbanization rates have also led to a decline in agricultural land. In this study, it was aimed to investigate changes in Turkish agriculture, changes in the share of agriculture in Gross National Product and foreign trade, changes in agricultural production areas and fluctuations in important crop and animal products. It is seen that there is premium payment and field based support to direct producers in Turkey. These type policies are affected short run but it’s damaged to sector in the long run. Instead of short-term premium support policies, the long-term effect policies should be adopted to strengthen the agricultural sector.


gross national product, agricultural land, sufficiency ratio, agricultural supports.


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