University of agribusiness and rural development, UARD Jubilee International Scientific Conference

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Exploring Social Innovation in the Social Farm Organizations
Maurizio Lanfranchi, Carlo Gianetto, Tindara Abbate, Augusto D'Amico

Last modified: 2018-02-12


Social farming represents an innovative approach to join healthcare and social services with agricultural production activities. It can be considered as a relevant example to foster social entrepreneurship and social innovation practices oriented to local and sustainable development of rural areas. The paper aims to explore the contribution of social farm to the definition and implementation of social innovation practices. To address this issue, the paper presents and discusses a case study of social farming drawn from the Italian context. The paper contribute to a better understanding of social innovation in the social farming organizations and to a deeper evidence-based understanding of the role of social entrepreneurs in the development of practices focused on sustainable principles. The identification of best practice examples will be to evaluate the possible implementation in other areas that are particularly resistant to innovation


Social entrepreneurship; social innovation; social farm organizations; Italian context.


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