University of agribusiness and rural development, UARD Jubilee International Scientific Conference

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Initial Standardization and Validization of Methodology Measuring Organizational Culture in the Field of Education
Ivaylo Staribratov, Lilia Babakova, Valia Petrova

Last modified: 2018-02-12


This article discusses the notion of organizational culture as a set of ideas about ways of acting, norms of behavior, values, expectations, ideas for the future and the present that are consciously or unconsciously shared by members of the organization. The analysis of organizational culture allows the school to be interpreted as a social system and allows the manager to develop one that motivates teachers and pupils for a higher quality learning process. The author's methodology for diagnosing school culture is conceptualized and the first results of the standardization are presented. Clustering shows the psycho-semantic structure of the initially formed in-line relations. The peculiarities of the interrelations of the psycho-thematic forms and structural parameters of the organizational culture in the school are established and interpreted.

The peculiarities of the organizational culture of the school determine its individuality and uniqueness, the specifics of the reaction of the pedagogical team towards the external and internal events. The understanding of the nature and the nature of the organizational school culture agnoses the human potential of the school, it allows to assess the appropriateness or inadequacy of certain management actions, namely to plan the direction and dynamics of the strategic development of the school's educational and organizational system.


organizational culture, teachers, motivation, diagnostic, human potential of the school


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