Last modified: 2018-02-12
Current paper discusses the opportunities provided by the academic mobility in terms of acquisition of skills, educational cooperation, development of international programs and socialization of both students and teachers. The design and implementation of international educational programs for students of universities is one of the most important areas of the academic cooperation. Such programs are built on the positions of dialogue and interpenetration of cultures, strengthening of creative ties between the scientific and academic community of countries. Academic mobility is accepted as a means of network interaction, intercultural exchange and socialization which provides an additional value in the processes of training and learning for skills on demand in contemporary globalized world.
The goal of the development of academic mobility programs is to improve the quality of education, improve mutual understanding between different peoples and cultures, educate a new generation prepared for life and work in the international information community. We tend to argue that most of the above mentioned targets of the program of academic mobility are also useful for the socialization of students. The new trends in contemporary world of network interactions could adequately respond to the needs of new professionals with new skills and values.
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