University of agribusiness and rural development, UARD Jubilee International Scientific Conference

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Leadership of project teams
Vyara Slavyanska, Vihra Dimitrova

Last modified: 2018-02-13


In the project management literature, it is increasingly stressed that the most serious challenge for the project manager is attracting and motivating talented participants with very limited means and instruments of influence. No one ever doubts the need for interpersonal or "soft" skills related to aspects such as leadership, relationships, conflict management, motivation, team building, etc. Recognizing the essential role of "people" in the success of the project leads to identifying leadership skills as more important than planning and control skills, which is essentially related to a transition from the "technical" to the "behavioral" nature of the project or to the purely human side of project management. In this context, this report consistently draws attention to the project manager's leadership, interpersonal management approaches in the team, and tools to motivate participants.


conflicts, leadership, motivation, project manager, project team


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3.  Оуен, Дж. Как да управляваме. Изкуството да караме нещата да се случват, София: Анхира, 2010.

4.  House, R., Mitchell, T. Path-goal theory of leadership, Journal of Contemporary business, 3, 1974.

5.  Kerzner, H. Project Management – a Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, John Willey & Sons Inc., 2013.

6.  Lechler, T. When it Comes to Project Management, It’s the People That Matter, Calgary, Canada, 1998.

7.  Story, M. Project management: Saving time and money, New Zealand Management, 38, 2003.


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