Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Round table presentation

Challenges and Solutions in Providing Accessible Education and Employability in Rural Regions PDF PRES BG PRES EN
Patricia Georgieva

Economics, Finance, Investments

Challenges in Corporate Sales Forecasting PDF
Vladislava Georgieva
Management, Measurement and Oversight of Investment Risk in Bulgarian Voluntary Pension Funds PDF
Nikolina Mareva, Georgi Georgiev
Simulation modeling in international capital budgeting with Excel PDF PRES
Georgi Georgiev

Tourism and Recreation

Experience of Russian-Bulgarian Cooperation in the Organization of International Tourism as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Regions PDF
Dmitrii Sevastyanov, Aleksey Grigoriev, Tatyana Osipova, Plamen Lakov
Religious Tourism - Trends, Opportunities and Perspectives through the Prism of Plovdiv Destination PDF
Zlatka Grigorova
Evaluation of Phenolic and Carotenoid Content of Turf Grass Clippings PDF PRES
Selcuk Birer, Gulen Turker, Nazan Arifoglu, Ahmet Gokkus

Agribusiness and Regional Policy

Opportunities for Project Financing in Rural Regions PDF
Aleksandrina Gancheva

Social and Cultural Development

Exploring Social Innovation in the Social Farm Organizations PDF
Maurizio Lanfranchi, Carlo Gianetto, Tindara Abbate, Augusto D'Amico

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Supported by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria