Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of the Jubilee International Scientific Conference “Bulgaria of Regions” | |
Conference Proceedings |
Plenary Session
Higher Education for Sustainable Rural Development: UARD Experience | PDF PRES |
Dimitar Dimitrov, Mariana Ivanova, Ekaterina Arabska |
Producers’ Organization Approach in Rural Tourism: Agritourism Cooperatives | PDF PRES |
Harun Hurma, Cagdas Inan |
Fiscal Policy of Bulgaria – Problems and Trends | PDF PRES |
Ognyana Stoichkova, Virginiya Zhelyazkova, Yakim Kitanov |
Operational Program Regions in Growth 2014-2020 | PDF PRES |
Yulian Mollov |
Round table presentation
Challenges and Solutions in Providing Accessible Education and Employability in Rural Regions | PDF PRES BG PRES EN |
Patricia Georgieva |
Economics, Finance, Investments
Product and Price Banking Marketing Strategies - a Key in the Competitive Struggle Between Credit Institutions | |
Mariana Assenova |
Models For Analyzing Customer Profitability | |
Vanya Banabakova |
Topical Issues of the Analysis of Sales Profitability | |
Rosica Ivanova |
Reporting Employment of the Workforce in the Commercial Enterprise | |
Zdravka Kiricheva |
Challenges in Corporate Sales Forecasting | |
Vladislava Georgieva |
Management, Measurement and Oversight of Investment Risk in Bulgarian Voluntary Pension Funds | |
Nikolina Mareva, Georgi Georgiev |
Simulation modeling in international capital budgeting with Excel | PDF PRES |
Georgi Georgiev |
The Usefulness of the Non-Financial Statement Prepared by Companies of Public Interest | |
Pavlina Dimitrova |
The role of leasing as an alternative technique of project financing | |
Bisser Krastev |
Investments in Non-Current Tangible Assets as an Important Prerequisite for Sustainable Regional Development (Accounting Aspects) | |
Stanislava Pancheva |
Risk Assessment and Market Presentation of Top Cryptocurencies | |
Gabriela Krasteva |
Methods for Research the Profitability of Capital in Agriculture | |
Viktoriya Mendeva |
Stimulating Innovation Through Tax Policy Mechanisms | |
Silvia Tsankova |
State Transfers as a Factor for Smoothing of Horizontal Imbalances in Bulgaria | |
Mariana Pavlova-Banova |
Public Revenue of Direct Tax - Trends and Challenges | |
Tanya Todorova |
Assessment of Political and Economic Risk to the Countries by the Major Rating Agencies | |
Dinko Kazepov |
Ecological Food Production
Edible Oil Organogels Prepared with Natural Waxes and Their Application | PDF PRES |
Mustafa Öğütcü, Emin Yilmaz |
Phenolic Content of Selected Dried Fruits | PDF PRES |
Nazan Arifoglu, Gulen Turker |
Comparison of Physico-Chemical Parameters and Composition of Wild and Suspended Cultured Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from Sea of Marmara | PDF PRES |
Hasan Basri Ormanci, Fatma Arik Colakoglu, Serhat Colakoglu, Ibrahim Ender Kunili |
Heavy Metal Concentrations in Some Bivalve Species from the Southern Coast of the Marmara Sea (Turkey) | PDF PRES |
Serhat Colakoglu, Ibrahim Kunili |
Effect of Mussels Consumption on Human Health | PDF PRES |
Pinar Yildirim, Ertan Ercan, Gülen Türker |
Quality Characteristics of Fish Sauce Produced from Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) | PDF PRES |
Ibrahim Ender Kunili, Hasan Basri Ormanci, Fatma Arik Colakoglu |
Effectiveness of Biofertilizers on the Productivity of Dry Mass of Stevia Rebaudiana B. | |
Dimitar Yakimov, Elena Nikolova |
Ex situ (in field) conservation of Bulgarian species from genus Mentha maintained in the collection of IPGR-Sadovo | |
Katya Uzundzhalieva, Stanislava Stateva |
Evaluation of Seaweed Resources as Functional Food in Turkey | PDF PRES |
Fatma Colakoglu, Ilknur Ak |
Determination of the Mineral Composition of Turkish Tahini Halva | PDF PRES |
Nazan Arifoglu, Mustafa Ogutcu |
Determination of Shelf-Life of Lakerda (Salted Atlantic Bonito) Stored at 4°C | PDF PRES |
Hasan Basri Ormanci, Ibrahim Ender Kunili, Fatma Arik Colakoglu |
The Processing of Pufferfish and Usage of Tetrodotoxin in the Pharmaceutical Industry | PDF PRES |
Nermin Berik, Ekrem Cankiriligil |
Fish Sausage Production from Different Fish Species | PDF PRES |
Nermin Berik, Dilek Yilmaz |
Quality of Peas-Wheat Mixes, Resources for Green Food in the Conditions of Organic Farming | PDF PRES |
Maria Sabeva, Grigori Ivanov, Siyka Angelova |
Tourism and Recreation
Leader Approach to Sustainable and Integrated Rural Development | |
Stefka Timareva, Veselin Boyadziev |
Opportunities to Minimize the Weaknesses Related with the Temporary Work in Tourism as a Basis for Sustainable Sector Development | |
Aleksander Davchev |
Promoting Sales by Introducing and Optimizing Algorithms for Working in the Touristic Sector | |
Aleksander Davchev |
Analysis of the Current State, Problems and Trends in Development of Rural and Other Alternative Forms of Tourism in Plovdiv Region | |
Stefka Timareva |
Experience of Russian-Bulgarian Cooperation in the Organization of International Tourism as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Regions | |
Dmitrii Sevastyanov, Aleksey Grigoriev, Tatyana Osipova, Plamen Lakov |
Comparative Analysis of Hotel Accommodation Facilities in Bulgaria | |
Plamen Lakov |
Currency Control and Cultural Tourism | |
Evgeniy Stoyanov |
Opportunities for Application of Statistical Methods and Programs for Tourism Typology of the Countries | |
Krasimir Levkov, Georgi Marinov |
Comparative Analysis of Tourism Law and Policy in Macedonia and Bulgaria | PDF PRES |
Dejan Metodieski, Jasmina Andreeva, Biljana Conevska |
An Example Scheme for the Introduction of an Algorithm for Work of Servicing Customers in the Specialized Branch of Tourism | PDF PRES |
Aleksander Davchev |
Regionalization of tourism in Bulgaria – outcomes and implications | |
Ivanka Shopova |
Religious Tourism - Trends, Opportunities and Perspectives through the Prism of Plovdiv Destination | |
Zlatka Grigorova |
Evaluation of Phenolic and Carotenoid Content of Turf Grass Clippings | PDF PRES |
Selcuk Birer, Gulen Turker, Nazan Arifoglu, Ahmet Gokkus |
Green Economy and Renewable Energy Sources
Evaluation of Activities of Irrigation Cooperatives for Sustainability of Water Resources in Tekirdag | PDF PRES |
Aysegul Unver, Harun Hurma |
Circulation of Water From the Point of View of Energy and its Influence on Rainfall | PDF PRES |
Michal Kravcik, Miroslav Zachar |
Presentation of a Technology for Extraction of Brown’s Gas from Seawater | |
Chavdar Kamenarov, Plamen Kamenarov |
Environmental Protection and Climate Change
Comparison of Balkan Countries Regarding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) About Environment | PDF PRES |
Harun Hurma, Gokhan Unakitan, Cagdas Inan |
Fighting Climate Change in Practice - an Inspiring Insight into the Kitchen of Energiewende | |
Zornitsa Spasova |
Adaptation of the Species Atropa belladonna L. Grown in vitro to the Environment | |
Stanislava Stateva, Gergana Desheva |
Influence Of Climate Changes On Agriculture | |
Svetla Dimitrova |
Modern Bioclimatic Potential Change in Krasnodar Region and Development of Viticulture | |
Galina Mosolova, Anna Marmorshteyn, Tatyana Osipova, Plamen Lakov |
The Effect of Aquaculture Facility on the Bacterial Levels of Seawater of Sigacik Bay, Izmir, Turkey | PDF PRES |
Fatma Arik Colakoglu, Ibrahim Ender Kunili, Hasan Basri Ormanci, Fikret Cakir, Ali Ismen |
Ecological and Legal Problem of Marine Environment Protection | |
Zlatka Kushelieva |
Agribusiness and Regional Policy
Irrigation. Hydromelioration and Human Resources in The Field of Agriculture | |
Snezhina Dineva |
Cohesion Policy and Competitiveness of Regions | |
Keranka Nedeva |
Borders as a Problem for the Regional Development of Bulgaria | |
Veselin Boyadzhiev, Neli Veselinova |
Fundamentals of Biological Control in Forest Protection | |
Yancho Naidenov, Nikolay Stoyanov, Valentina Marinova |
Model for Solving the Problem with Depopulation in Rural Areas | |
Wolfgang Luepcke, Dimitar Yakimov, Krasimira Anastasova, Pavlin Pelov, Klaus-Kristian Werner, Plamen Lakov, Zhenia Kioseva |
Evaluation of Agriculture Sector and Agricultural Policy in Turkey | PDF PRES |
Gokhan Unakitan |
Wine Branding: Why is it Important for Boutique Wine Sector Growth in Turkey? | PDF PRES |
Yasemin Oraman, Fuat Yilmaz, Derya Abdikoglu |
The Applied Agricultural Policies for Canola in Thrace Region | |
Sema Konyali, Burcin Basaran |
Analysis of Business Structures on Capacity Usage in Determining Encountered Problems of Red Meat Industry in Turkey | |
Celal Demirkol, Mecit Omer Azabagaoglu |
Evaluation of Agricultural Policies in terms of Sustainability of Viticulture in Tekirdağ | |
Burcin Basaran, Sema Konyali |
Improving Agricultural Markets Access for the Small and Medium Enterprises | |
Natalia Stoyanova |
Perspectives for Future Development of Poultry Meat Sector in Turkey | |
Ali Karabayir |
Opportunities for Project Financing in Rural Regions | |
Aleksandrina Gancheva |
Social and Cultural Development
Exploring Social Innovation in the Social Farm Organizations | |
Maurizio Lanfranchi, Carlo Gianetto, Tindara Abbate, Augusto D'Amico |
Management of Education and Innovation
Initial Standardization and Validization of Methodology Measuring Organizational Culture in the Field of Education | |
Ivaylo Staribratov, Lilia Babakova, Valia Petrova |
The Internationalization of Higher Education - the Opportunity of the Successful University of the Future | |
Stoyko Stoykov, Sevdalina Dimitrova |
Academic Mobility in Higher Education as an Opportunity for Strengthening Educational Cooperation and Intercultural Dialogue for Effective Socialization | |
Oleg Latyshev, Eduard Kovalev |
Human Resources and Organizational Management
Self-Leadership 3.0 | |
Ivaylo Aleksiev |
The meaning of the refined egoism and the prisoner’s dilemma in business | |
Yavor Aleksiev, Ivaylo Aleksiev |
Leadership of project teams | |
Vyara Slavyanska, Vihra Dimitrova |
Information and Communication Technology
Video Supported Vocational Education and Training in Environmental Protection | PDF PRES |
Mariana Ivanova, Vihra Dimitrova |
Health, Sports, Tourism and Medicine
Frequency of Prophylactic Gynecological Examinations Among Bulgarian Women | |
Valentin Irmov, Petar Petrov |
The Location of the Cytoplasm in the Prevention of Cervical Cancer | |
Valentin Irmov, Petar Petrov |
The place of VATS in the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax | |
Tanyo Stefanov, Petar Petrov, Boyko Todorov |
Operative Treatment of Spontaneous Pneumothorax | |
Tanyo Stefanov, Petar Petrov, Boyko Todorov |
Study and Analysis of Quality Management Models in Hospital Help | |
Neven Enchev, Petar Petrov |
Quality Management of Hospital Services Under ISO 9001: 2008 as an Integral Part of the International Organization Standartization Series | |
Neven Enchev, Petar Petrov |

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Supported by the National Science Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria