Last modified: 2018-02-12
Meat and meat products currently represent an important sources of protein in the human diet, and the consumers are becoming more aware of the relationships between diet and health and this has increased consumer interest therein. Capacity usage and the problems of red meat firms in Turkey are presented in this study through a survey carried out with 54 firms. It can be said that a large part of the red meat industry is largely owned by European Union standards in terms of the production technologies they use and the physical conditions they have in Turkey. The main problem faced by the red meat industry is the inadequacy of raw materials and the inability to provide them regularly. This problem causes firms to work with lower capacity. The firms with capacities below 19 tons are small-scale firms and profitability comes first in the strategies they follow. These types of firms focus on production, they are primarily focused on producing affordable and quality products. Firms whose daily capacity is between 20 tons/day and 50 tons/day are grouped as medium-sized firms. A great majority of these firms are carcass meat producing firms. There are also high-capacity firms concentrated on a single product but producing on a national scale. These mid-sized firms offer products to the domestic market as well as they do contract manufacturing for the other large-scale firms. In these firms, market demand is again the first criterion to be considered in production. The large scale firms (producing over 51 tons per day) are working on increasing their market share close to all, on growth and profitability strategy. At the most important strategies of these firms are image, personnel-focused practices and quality issues. The most important reason for the implementation of these strategies is that these firms are nationally operating and branded firms.
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