University of agribusiness and rural development, International scientific and practical conference Bulgaria of regions 2018

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Capitalization of land in the system of financing of agricultural projects
Lesia Kucher

Last modified: 2019-01-21


Decentralization of the power authorities inUkrainewill greatly bring science closer to the needs of production in its primary links, and will improve the use of agricultural potential in each region (Sabluk, 2017). Under these conditions, it is possible to practically implement the proposed improved model of management of agricultural projects, which is based on the coordination of efforts of agrarian producers with specialists of the relevant departments of regional state administrations (Prysiazhniuk and Plotnikova, 2017). Creation of innovative centers for the development of agricultural production and rural areas in the regions will contribute the activation of the development and implementation of innovative projects. It actualizes the problem of formation of sources of financing of agricultural projects.

Material and methods. The purpose of the work is a scientific substantiation of the possibility of capitalization of agricultural lands as a potential source of project financing on the example of the regional level of management of agricultural production. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study is the modern works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, as well as the results of own research. In the process of research the following methods were used: monographic, abstract-logical, statistical-economic, analysis and synthesis.

Results and discussion. The possibility of capitalization of agricultural lands as a potential source of project financing on the example of the regional level of management of agricultural production inUkraine is substantiated. The evaluation of potential volumes of crediting of projects of the agricultural enterprises of regions ofUkraine depending on size of the collateral value of the land and the rights of rent is executed. The investment potential of agricultural enterprises of the regions of Ukraine in the context of project financing, taking into account the collateral value of the land resource and investment profit (the sum of net profit and amortization of fixed assets) is calculated.

Conclusion. Estimation of the potential volume of credit support for projects of agrarian enterprises in the regions ofUkraine, depending on size of the collateral value of the land and the rights of rent, indicates the important role of this potential source of financing. So, for example, the potential volume of credit financing for projects of agricultural enterprises inUkraine subject to 50 % of the value of land mortgage is about 267.6 billion UAH. Involvement of these funds to finance innovative agricultural projects will contribute to the expansion of opportunities for the practical implementation of these projects and to ensure sustainable development.


capitalization of land, agricultural projects, sources of funding, regions of Ukraine.

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