University of agribusiness and rural development, International scientific and practical conference Bulgaria of regions 2018

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Features and priorities of tourism development strategic planning in the Stavropol region
Andrey Efimov

Last modified: 2019-01-21


The convenient geographical location, rich history and unique natural resources determined the tourist specialization of the Stavropol territory. Stavropol region is one of the six leading tourist destinations in Russia, annually showing an increase in tourist flow. The main strategic planning document in tourism development is the "Strategy of tourism development in the Stavropol region until 2030", which reflects the goals, objectives and priorities of the destination. The mission of tourism development in the Stavropol region is that it will become a national leader in medical and health tourism in Russia. Zoning of tourist areas and resources in Stavropol region allowed to allocate tourist and recreational cluster "Eco-resort Kavminvody", which has unique climate, natural resources, beautiful landscapes and has prospects for the various types of tourism development.


tourist destination, tourism development strategy, health tourism, strategic priorities, Caucasian Mineral Waters.